Dad, Mom, and baby Meghan

Dad, Mom, and baby Meghan

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

The girls having fun in the pool

Today you are You, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is Youer than You. -Dr. Seuss, author and illustrator (1904-1991)

Kara, she loves getting her picture taken and then looking at herself afterwards. She was pretty happy yesterday, playing with Meghan, both of them giggling, splashing. Amanda turned her back and looked the other way, no matter what Meghan and Kara did, she would not acknowledge them. It makes me sad when she isolates herself that way.

Silly Meghan, all she does these days when I try to take her picture is stick her tongue out and laugh at me, so I got this picture without her tongue LOL. Meghan has alopecia aerata, in May her dermatologist told me she was failing the squaric acid protocol, she mentioned steroid cremes or injections, but we decided to try to alter her diet instead. We eliminated gluten completely and began to wean her off dairy, specifically the 4 glasses of organic milk she drank daily. We bought some whole grain organic rice milk, vanilla flavored, and gave that to her instead, then weaned her off that to plain organic rice milk. She does well on it. In late August we noticed that her hair was growing back in several places, she has tiny tendrils of new hair all over her head, so we feel we are on the right track with this. I know it is only hair, but it makes Meghan happy to have her hair back. You can see the shorter hair along her temple in the picture below, that is all new hair.

I love this picture of Kara, she looks so sweet, you can almost see her dimples, I do not know if it is her low tone or not, but they do not always show when she smiles.
Amanda just had an off day yesterday, she went off on her own, would not play with the girls at all, barely smiled. When she had feeding therapy she would not cooperate and would not look at Ms R at all. Right now she is rocking on her dog, backwards. We feel like we are making great strides with her and then those days happen and it makes us wonder if anything is helping...frankly, I do think it is, but we can get pretty discouraged. She did clap last night at her sisters Julia's musical theater performance, though she was keening quietly the entire time. She was just so unhappy.
Amanda ignoring all of us, she did not enjoy her pool time yesterday, I think she is fighting a cold, and after the flu too, she also has a few chigger bites, she loves to play in the grass, I guess that is where she got them? I will be glad for cooler weather when all the bugs go to sleep, bugs love her.


GoldenAngelsWorks said...

Love seeing pics of the girls and hearing how they are doing.

They are getting so big.

The bugs love me too...

Linda Meg said...

You are such an incredible family. I love the pix of the girls in the pool. Poor Amanda, I hope you are feeling better today.

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