Dad, Mom, and baby Meghan

Dad, Mom, and baby Meghan

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

31 for21- day 5-too many cats

Thor, Queenie, Hobbs, and Nightmare, Queenie and Hobbs found a home months ago. Nightmare and Thor did not, no one wants black cats. They are always the cats we love the best too.

My girls, all 4 of them, love cats, and this spring-summer we had a population explosion (no I will not tell you how many). My poor husband and sons are allergic to them, so we keep them outside as much as we can. The kittens sleep in the bathroom at night, complete with litter box, water, and a soft bed to sleep in. Two kittens are sleeping there now.

We have found homes and new places for most of our cats, from foster care, to a feed store that sells them, to real homes. We decided to keep the cats the girls liked the most. In the last two week two of our favorite cats have disappeared, one was very tiny with obvious cognitive issues and the other was physically disabled. Squirt never came home, Thor has been gone a day. He never strayed from home and since he is a black cat and it is October, well, I do not feel odds are in our favor that he will come home alive.

I called Animal Control, Humane Society, and looked on lost and found lists, nothing. I will check tomorrow and call veterinarians.

Meghan has been asking about them all day today, mommy has shed some tears. All of our other cats are quiet and seem sad today, I think they know what happened to Thor...they already seemed upset that we gave two kittens away on Sunday.

All of us feel badly about Thor Buddy, the name mommy called him. So no posts about my littlest girls tonight, mommy is just too sad to think of anything to write.


GoldenAngelsWorks said...

Hope you find them. Poor girls. I know so well that feeling of loss and worry. Love the black cats and the pure white ones.

Susan Luhrs said...

I know how hard it is for a kitty to go missing and not return. My big black boy, Max, loved to hunt and would go walk about for several days on end, but we'd always see him in the yard. At the end of August of 2008, he went missing. No sign of him at all. We live in a semi-rural area with about 20 acres of woods in back of the house, so the chances of finding him back there were nil.
We were miserable at losing him, but he loved his out side, so we couldn't deny it to him.

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