Dad, Mom, and baby Meghan

Dad, Mom, and baby Meghan

Saturday, August 2, 2008


It's nap time for the little girls, of course neither feel like napping, maybe it is the heat?

I keep hearing Kara whining-wah wah wah, and Amanda rocking-buh ba ba ba, buh ba ba ba, when heard together, it sounds like, Wah, buh ba ba ba, Wah, buh ba ba, done in a rhythm that seems planned, I wonder if they used to do this at their orphanages. Despite me wanting to take them both out of bed, I won;t, they were both rubbing their eyes, they need their naps, I need them to nap. LOL

Meghan is taking a bath in cold water ALONE. She is so happy, she loves her little sisters, but sometimes she needs Meghan time. :o)

1 comment:

GoldenAngelsWorks said...

Sounds like the girls needed their nap and you and Meghan definitely needed your own time.

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